Thursday, 27 September 2007

Second Wedding, Do It Right This Time...

Let me Help You Both

for Your Second Marriage

Tradition and etiquette dictates that second weddings should be simple and casual instead of being formal and extravagant. However, the number of second or encore wedding is sharply growing each year. Such ceremony is designed to celebrate two people who want to embark on a new marriage with different partners.

Etiquette In Announcing Your Engagement
The immediate concern in planning a second wedding is how to announce this to you children. The children should always be the first be notified of your decision to remarry, as this will combine two already-established families. Expect you children to be stressed by your move and they will need a certain amount of time to accept the situation.

The bride and groom’s parents should be the next to be informed and then the respective ex’s. The ex-wife or ex-husband should make an effort to appease the children and reassure them about their roles in the new family.

Engagement rings from the past should not be worn anymore based on second wedding etiquette. All signs of previous relationships should be taken away once planning for the wedding and announcements are made.

A second marriage can be announced informally such as advertising it in the newspaper, making e-mails and phone calls. Under second wedding etiquette, the couple does not have to host an engagement party but a small gathering can be organized where you can make that important announcement.

Who’s Going?

Just about anybody can attend your second wedding. However, in observance of second wedding etiquette ex-spouses and former in-laws should not be invited even if you are in speaking terms to avoid awkwardness among the other guests.

The bride and groom should calculate a realistic budget for the wedding. This is a rare chance to again have the wedding of your dreams, it could be elegant, extravagant and intimate.

Vows and Ceremonies

Second wedding are normally made in civil ceremonies but can also be done in a religious ceremony. They are many ways to make the ceremony fell very intimate and special. Writing vows is common among second wedding and there is an abundance of books written about it. The children can be assigned to do an important part of the ceremony in order to foster unity. They can escort you while walking the aisle, read passages from the bible or serve as attendants in the event.

The closest family members and friends of the new couple can walk down the aisle or no one at all.

Are Bridal Showers Needed?
Bridal showers for encore brides are normally but this need to adhere with second etiquette rules.

-  Only guests should be invited
-  Club, Office and school showers can also be done and can be attende by other not on the official guest list. However, those that attended the bride’s first wedding should not participate.

Wedding Gifts and Registry

Guest should make they register. Some guests will have the uncontrollable urge to give something even if the couple does not want gifts.  It’s also acceptable for encore couples to sign in the gift registry.

Wedding Gift Ideas for Second Marriages
Gift certificates—restaurants, spas, stores
DVD player and DVDs
Charity Donations

Denis Kermode has collected a large number of article for both new and second timers, the site is free to join and contains just about everything you need to know,so visit us at : -

Monday, 3 September 2007

Wedding Speeches


You’re sitting in your couch watching TV on a Saturday night, minding your own business and then your Best friend calls you up, tells you he’s getting hitched and wants you to be his best man. You sweat, but can’t decline, so you end up agreeing on a toast at the wedding. After you hang up the phone, you go straight to the net and search for Free Wedding speeches.


Get the picture? Statistics have shown that more people are afraid of public speaking then they are of more common fears, and it is indeed a very fearful act, speaking in public, anything you say cannot be taken back, and if you say something bad, you’ll get foot “in” mouth disease.


But does looking for free speeches on the net really help? Most of the time you’ll find some cheap tips on how to make the perfect, speech or how to say it. Or maybe you’ll be lucky enough to find one that is already made, and you’ll just have to print it. But these speeches tend to be rather, impersonal and very general, and if you’re the best man, you’ll probably just end up boring your friends and family.


When making speeches, the simpler the better, you won’t have to depend on free wedding speeches off the net if you have memories of your friends.


What you are asked to do on a wedding toast is to tell the people something about your friends, the ones getting married, how they were meant for each other and how you wish them happiness for the rest of their lives. You don’t need a factory made, winding speech, all you need is memories, and your genuine care for your loved ones.


If you’re still having the jiggly stomach about giving your speech you can follow these free wedding speech tips, they may not be ready made but they’ll surely help.


- Forget the preaching go on with the memories


Most people give winding speeches because they tend to give “unasked advice” leave that to the marriage counselor or the pastor, just give ‘em memories. Most couples appreciate the nostalgia of a few well chosen memories. Find a funny or a touching memory you have of the couple and share it with the room, plus a few well wishes and you’re done.


- go for short but effective, rather than long and winding


Many of us know that a long speech is very boring; you don’t want to dull the night with your talks of your childhood, and your games, with your friend. A biography is for a book, one or two memories are for a wedding.


- Write a Poem


You may say that poems are for sissies but that depends on every person point of view. But a Wedding Is a very emotional moment and it’s sure that everyone is in the mood for a little emotion and tears and what more to provoke those dams to flow than a few well said lines in the form of a poem?


- Don’t forget to introduce yourself


A simple “Jade has been my friend since high school and I’ve never seen her gaga over any guy other than Andrew” Make a basis for what you’re saying, especially if you’re talking about moments in the newlywed’s life. If it was a trial, you’re the witness, and you’ll need credibility. Just imagine would people “feel” your speech if they’re don’t know who the heck you are?

Denis Kermode has a number of websites from golfing, meditation and Rehab, to Tarotcard readings and Everything Weddings : - drop by and read some of the hundreds of wedding articles, from Invites to Honeymoons. Well worth you dropping by.


Saturday, 18 August 2007

American Wedding Practices

American Wedding


Living in the US makes one feel free - free to do anything, free to live, free to love, free from traditions. While this is true, there are still many practices done during wedding that renders this memorable event with a distinct American touch. Here are some:

Starting from the engagement, Americans can think of unique ways to personalize their wedding. As there really isn't any engagement tradition, the more unique the marriage proposal is done, the better.

For most wedding preparations, the engaged couple visits their parents to inform them of their recent engagement.

At times, the engaged couple hosts an engagement party. The engagement party costs less than a wedding reception since most of the time, the menu will only include cocktails and hors d'oeuvres. Therefore, if the couple is on a tight budget, they can just invite more guests to the engagement party if they plan to limit the number of guests during the wedding.

Most wedding preparations have a bridal shower given by the maid of honor and the bridesmaids. The groom may also have a bachelor party the night before the wedding but he has to be careful not to drink too much.

Wedding invitations should include response cards to quickly inform the couple whether the person has accepted or declined the invitation. The wedding invitations should also be sent within four to six weeks before the event.

Usually, there is a rehearsal dinner in which the wedding party and guests came from far places to be present at the wedding attend. It was practiced that the groom's parents pay for this dinner.

A bridal luncheon may be hosted for the bride's attendants during the wedding day. However, time constraints may not permit this to be part of the schedule for the wedding day. Likewise, the groom may also host a groom's dinner for his groomsmen.

Interestingly, even if the couple is not very religious, they still prefer a religious ceremony. However, this may pose a problem since in America people of different faiths and religious backgrounds get married.

Even if there are few people who believe in bad luck, some couples still make sure that the groom does not see his bride until she starts waking on the aisle.

It is still practiced that the groom and his groomsmen enter the church through a side door. The bride will then walk down the aisle with her father. In some cases when both her father and stepfather brought up the bride, she may ask them both to escort her.

During a formal reception, there is usually a bridal table where the couple and the attendants sit. Also, food and drinks should be served as the guests appear at the reception.

Before, gift giving used to depend on what the guest will feel useful for the couple. Now, it is better to register for gifts so the guests will know what to bring that the couple will need.

Upon receiving an engagement or wedding gift, it is better to send a thank you note apart from saying "thank you" to the giver. This should be sent within two weeks upon receipt of the gift. Make a personalized thank you note, instead of using an impersonal generic thank you note.

These are just some American practices during weddings. Whether one chooses to this or prefers to have a very different wedding, what's more important is that American's still believe in the wedding vow, "For better or worse, 'til death do us part."

Saturday, 19 May 2007


Green Weddings - How To Have

An Eco-Friendly Wedding

Due to the rising consciousness about the environment, some couples have decided to do their bit for the earth and leave out extravagant waste from their "green weddings". Leonardo DiCaprio's movie has brought "blood diamonds" to the forefront and gold too is not as noble a metal as you might think because it is sometimes mined in inhuman conditions by workers who are exposed to toxic chemical releases in the mines. Planning an eco-friendly wedding is not as difficult as you might think. Here are a few tips on how to have an environmentally compatible wedding.

Invitations - Recycled paper is not that hard to find and if you really want to go all out choose handmade paper. Handmade paper has lovely texture and also can be created with natural embeds. Write on this with calligraphy and natural dyes and you have a beautiful invitation like no other.

Menu - Choose an organic menu or try to get the ingredients from local produce. You will be surprised at how healthy and fresh this menu is.

Wedding Bands - If you leave out gold and diamonds there are many other ways to say it without diamonds. Consider other metals like silver or tin. Instead of diamonds consider having your birthstone for example or choose from many beautiful semi-precious gems. If you can wear something handed down to you in your family that would be a great recycling option.

Wedding Gown - Cotton is a very good option if you are going to marry in the summer months but if you feel that cotton is not as elegant there are many silk, soy, tencel and hemp blends that will give you the right flow and shine. Of course you can choose to recycle a wedding gown your mother or grandmother has preserved.

Wedding Favors - Give back to the earth by giving out seed packets as wedding favors. You can ask your guests to plant them as a symbol of growth and prosperity for you both. If plant or flower seeds don't fit your theme at least make sure your wedding favors are useful or practical. Practical wedding favors will not end up polluting a landfill the week after your wedding.

You can also choose to save electricity by using oil lamps instead of electrical lights. Oil lamps with castor oil can be an apt alternative to electrical lights or use hurricane lanterns and luminaries. If you can plan your wedding outdoors and if the weather permits, you can forego fans and cooling too.

The décor too can be made with recycled material instead of using plastic and metal (the non-recycled variety). Have bamboo furniture and use recycled glass articles to serve the food. You don't need to have any artificial centerpieces either. You can easily have beautiful centerpieces from totally natural materials. You can also ask your guests to forego any gifts that are a hazard to our environment and instead donate to environmental organizations.

In conclusion, create and be the stars at your dream wedding. You will definitely do your part for the earth and be admired for your creativity and courage.

L Hayes is a wedding professional and owner of Wedding Favors Emporium. They carry an extensive line of unique wedding favors. They offer many popular gift ideas such as practical wedding favors, place card holders, and bridesmaid gifts. For more information about flower and garden favors, wedding planning, or wedding reception ideas, visit their website.

Article Source:

Sunday, 1 April 2007


Pre-Wedding Nerves

Pre-wedding nerves are a classic component of some wedding or marriage films in which the bride (to be) is frantically jittery and/or the husband is scared of the life he's losing. In real life, these feelings might mean that the forthcoming relationship is not for you or that you are simply not quite ready yet.

Nervousness tethered to joy and excitement is probably just pre-wedding nerves, but an impending sense of doom, dread, feelings of a big mistake, or bowing to the wishes of others against your common sense and inner feelings, can be something a little more serious. For instance, if your potential spouse has ever gotten violent, has an ongoing drug or alcohol problem, dislikes your friends and family, was recently unfaithful, or doesn't want children (or he/she differs considerably on how to raise them), then you should probably seriously consider a postponement of the wedding. The temporary embarrassment is a trifle compared with years of wishing you weren't in a fixed, legal relationship.

Distinguish these feelings from nervousness about planning the wedding, in-laws, table settings, invitation cards, flower arrangements, etc. Think about whether or not you'll ever be put into a life-altering event with so many millions of details again. How do you and your spouse handle it? Maybe you can grow from it. Consider the wedding set-up to be as much a part of your new relationship as the wedding itself, and use it as an opportunity to bond and grow. Set boundaries on when you'll discuss the wedding and when you won't. Set up one day where both of you just share your true love and forget all about the wedding plans and ceremonies.

If you're starting to compile silly fears and worries about married life, write them down and talk to someone, read from a helpful author, or peruse your holy scriptures, whatever religion you pertain to, about husband and wife continuing harmony and behavior. You may have a legitimate worry that your identity will be swallowed up in the other person. In that case, you could both agree on designated times to spend time alone or with friends, i.e., one night a week for instance. It's not uncommon for a partner to feel hurt or rejected by pre-wedding nerves.

It's important to realize that most all couples, even the best ones that have been enthusiastic and happy for long years, went through the pre-wedding nerves. When you get advice from someone, try to seek out happily married couples or even couples that have been together for a long time, marriage or not. Often, their secrets can be the sought-after element that encourages an unbreakable bond and subdues pre-wedding nerves' impact. If you've had negative feelings for a considerable time then it's an idea to stop the wedding all together. Marriage is a journey, and no one can expect it to be smooth all the time.

Eric Hartwell oversees "The World's Best Homepage" intended to be a user-generated resource where YOUR opinion counts. Anybody can contribute and all are welcomed. Visit us to read, comment upon or share opinions on marriage and weddings and visit our associated site articles for free.

Article Source:

Wednesday, 28 February 2007

Weddings - that special day

Your  Special Wedding

Standing in front of all her loved ones, donning an elegant white gown and a radiant smile, the bride smiles at her groom, tears in her eyes, and says, "I do." The audience feels a rush of excitement, thrilled to be a part of this magic moment. Weddings are magical events.

Over the years, weddings have taken new twists. Veering away from tradition, many couples today choose alternative weddings that will create one-of-a-kind memories to last a lifetime. Numerous resources are available to help couples plan unique weddings, ranging from intimate at-home nuptials to destination ceremonies. Even destination weddings offer a broad range of options.

Today, beach weddings have become very popular. Wedding guests are able to join in the occasion while also enjoying a vacation of their own. Newlyweds stay on to honeymoon at the same spot where they tied the knot. Many resorts offer packages that give couples a more economical wedding option, as well as one that is unique, beautiful, and relaxing.

Other couples choose to plan their weddings in another country, to honor their heritage. A bride with an Irish background, for example, may choose to wed in her ancestors' homeland, complete with traditional bagpipers and Irish dancers. Weddings like this allow the couple to honor tradition while looking ahead to the future and adding a modern twist. Guests and couples alike can indulge in a return to their heritage, learning more about their culture and perhaps digging in to their families' roots.

Some still opt for weddings in Las Vegas. Kitschy as it may be, there is a certain attraction to the little wedding chapels and Elvis impersonators. Certainly these weddings create stories that are worth telling for years to come.

The most important part of any wedding is the vow shared by the bride and groom. Choosing to marry and sharing that moment with loved ones is the most important decision a couple can make. No matter what kind of celebration they choose, or where they decide to tie the knot, weddings are special occasions that are sure to touch the heart of everyone in attendance.

About The Author:

Jeff Lakie is the founder of
Wedding Information a website providing information on Weddings

This article is free for republishing

Saturday, 24 February 2007

5 Awesome Wedding Favors

Couples exchanging vows today want their wedding favors to be as
unique as they are and express something personal about
themselves. Thank your guests for sharing in this very special
time by giving them a token of your appreciation that's
thoughtful and memorable, a true reflection of your most
important day.

Wedding favors don't have to end up costing more than the
honeymoon does. In fact, just the opposite is true because
favors that are simple and elegant, but meaningful, often convey
your message best. And those that are personally made are
increasingly popular and lend an extra special touch to any
wedding by giving your friends and family the perfect souvenir
of your big day.

Whether the sky's the limit as far as price is concerned or you
and your bridesmaids will be crafting every piece by hand to
save a few dollars, here are five ideas for awesome wedding
favors that will leave a lasting impression on your guests and
add to the overall ambiance of your wedding.

A Toast to the Happy Couple A wedding favor that's grown in
popularity as of late, are personalized wine or champagne
bottles complete with your names and the date of your ceremony.
To save on funds, the bottles could be given to each couple
instead of per person placed in a decorative bag in the colors
of the wedding party's attire.

Let Your Love Grow If your wedding decorations or bouquets
feature a specific flower or a few types of flowers, consider
giving guests nicely decorated seed packets to plant at home.
This way, a part of your wedding lives on and it gives guests a
lovely reminder of your nuptials. You could also place a single
flower in a vase or pot at each place setting as well.

Light Up The Night You can never go wrong with candles, and
presentation, of course, is of the utmost importance. Instead of
simply wrapping a plain candle in a piece of tulle and tying it
with a ribbon, why not put some extra time and thought into the
process to truly personalize the favors? Candles can be used in
conjunction with a variety of other things such as colorful
marbles, sea shells or potpourri, just to name a few.

Picture Perfect Many couples are opting for true personalization
by using photos of themselves in their favors. Pictures can be
put into little frames or used in other creative ways such as
placed inside snow globes for a winter themed wedding, for

Dream Theme Theme weddings are all the rage with specifically
tailored favors to match. Consider the couple getting married in
a public zoo that passed out animal crackers wrapped in colorful
tulle as their favors. Or the bride and groom who married on the
beach and personally collected sand and made decorative candle
holders for their guests.

Whether your wedding is being held in a castle right out of a
fairy tale or a simpler affair in your own backyard, with a
little research and some brainstorming, you can create wedding
favors that are as unique and special as you and your beloved

Author: Gabriel Adams
About the author:
Visit our <a href="">Modern
wedding</a> website with competitive prices on wedding products,
favours</a> available to order online.

Sunday, 18 February 2007

Tips for Coping With Marriage Problems

If you're married, you've probably had marriage problems. Don't feel alone, because working out problems is a step that often takes years. It's not the people who don't have problems who have good marriages; it's who learn ways to cope with those problems and beat them. Whether this is done with a marriage counselor or alone as a couple, the people who deal with their issues correctly are the ones who will stay together the longest.

First and foremost, learn how to listen. This is a simple, easy step that seems hard until you actually do it. Listening can be one of the best things for you and your spouse if you're having marriage problems.

Remember that even if you don't agree with a word they're saying, it is how they feel; thus it is valid and important. Learn to use 'I' statements and accept that you may be hurt and even angered by your spouse's words. However, once you've identified problems, you can start to fix them, and you can only do that by listening and talking to each other.

Nip the little problems in the bud and learn how to let things go. If your spouse isn't doing what you want them to do, like a household chore, sit them down and tell them why it's important to you. Don't nag and yell, because this will only make them shut you off and tune you out.

Make sure you take time out for each other at some point during the week. Make it a date night. Take one night, any night, or even day, and spend it doing something nice with your spouse. From a fancy dinner to a day exploring your city to a quiet picnic in the park, find new things to try with your souse to keep it from getting mundane or boring.

Send the kids off to a friend's house and spend a quiet evening at home, even if all you do is order a pizza, talk and watch a movie. This is often taken for granted, but it can become a breath of fresh air in your otherwise busy life and you'll look forward to your sessions together. Make these times solely for enjoyment and leave any problems at the door for another day. Just be with your partner and enjoy their company.

Last but not least, don't be afraid to get help. Creating a solid marriage takes work, and sometimes it helps to have a professional, unbiased ear to relate your problems. This can be a great way to get to the root of deep-set problems and bring them into the open where they can be dealt with.

If you're having marriage problems please visit

Author: Kausik Dutta
Article source: Used with author's permission.